Friday, August 13, 2010

Back at home!

Well, once again I forgot about my blog. In my defense, since my last post I turned 22, packed all my stuff, drove to the top of Pike's Peak, traveled to Birmingham, had a sleepover, met with as many relatives as possible, repacked my possessions, flew to Orlando, had my birthday party, took the GRE and went through all the stuff I'd packed at the beginning of the summer in order to start packing for France.

So I've been a little busy. Also: GRE, you were not particularly better the second time. All that studying I did (and I swear, I did study) and I only raised my math score a measly 10 points. Ugh. My verbal score didn't change at all (not that I was particularly trying to raise it).

Although given that I now think I have to take the GMAT anyway, this maybe doesn't matter that much. But it would have been so gratifying to raise it 40 or 50 points. But I'm letting that go. Really.

And anyway, that day ended better than it began (I took the GRE from 8:30 to 12) because my 19-but-almost-20 year old sister and I had a combined birthday party that night with, and this was her idea, a piñata. See below:
I know. Fierce. But we won. And now have smarties and chocolate to prove it.

In other news, my Mom, Dad, younger brother and I went biking this afternoon while my younger sister read and my youngest sister was in cheerleading practice. It ended up being fun. I hadn't ridden a bike in, wow, several years? A long time, anyway. But we rode around a nearby neighborhood and drove by youngest sister's practice on a path that may, in retrospect, have been verboten for bikes. Oops. And we got disgusting and hot and sweaty (though, being in Orlando, that would have happened even if we'd just sat outside long enough). So went swimming as soon as we got home. Lots of fun. It's good to have some time at home.

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