Some people get really excited about certain types of activities. For example: some people like coffee. They cannot imagine starting or getting through a day without it. Take a step above that: some people really like Auburn/Alabama football. And a step above that: many people are very dedicated to breathing.
And then, a step above that, is how I feel about reading.
With that in mind, here's my event for Saturday: I joined the public library here!!
Wow, when I actually write it out it seems somehow less awesome and life-changing than it was. Rest assured, it was an Event (with an "E") that will stand out in my memories of this summer. Because I brought 8-9 books with me from AL (yes, yes I did devote quite a bit of my suitcase weight limit to books), and I've been reading the books that I've found around my host family's house, but while all of those options are nice, they are not the same as having a library card and, therefore, access to the range of fabulous books I've been waiting to read until I graduated.
Although, to be fair to myself, a number of the books on that list were read regardless of my being in my final semester and having mountains of work to do (A Conspiracy of Kings comes to mind). But now, since I'm only working 40 hours a week and have a couple hours free in the evening, I'm re-devoting myself. It's wonderful, if not productive in the sense that I have not been doing much email/facebook/blog type stuff. And at some point I may stop putting off sleep to read, but I can't guarantee it.
The joy of Saturday was slightly dampened, though, by my quick realization that the library where I got my library card, which is the one closest to my host family's house, was in fact very cute, very small, and very not filled with the books I wanted to read.
Which brings us to Monday, and why that was an Event, possibly even with a capital Vent, not just a capital E. Because I talked to one of the other interns who's a local and he recommended a different library. I went there right after work. It's farther away, so I can't go all the time, but it was a beautiful, peaceful, totes fab experience. I found about 7 books, both fiction and non, that I've already started (including one called Bastard Languages, about Creoles and other slang languages, that I'm definitely looking forward to, and wow, I am SUCH a dork).
So now that I'm equipped with that most necessary of items, a library card, I would love book recommendations, for when I finish the ones I've got. :)
I was really excited the day I got a library card in Huntsville!! It is a life necessity, I believe. :-)