Tuesday, June 1, 2010

Starting a blog

I thought it would be such a great idea to start a blog. Inspired by friend LL, I decided it would be an awesome idea to have a blog where I could write about what I was doing, keep people updated on my summer and on next year (since I'd be traveling some) and generally have a chance to share my thoughts and feelings with the world.

So I set up this blog about 3 weeks ago, maybe 4, and promptly didn't write a single post.

The problem, I've found, is that I'm too cautious for the internet. I'm leery of putting my thoughts out there, where they can be read recklessly and by goodness only knows who, where a careless word could come back to haunt me. Additionally, having started my summer job, I find that I'm also little nervous about being indiscreet in my opinions. I'm getting paid and enjoying my job so far, and I'd like to continue doing so until August, thank you very much.

All of this has conspired to cause me to fail to write a blog post. But writing an entire post about not writing (though it seems a little post-modern, somehow) also seems a bit self-indulgent.

So I'm going to screw my courage to the sticking point and actually write something that contains information about me, my opinions, and my job. Take that.

Basically, I'm in Colorado. It still amazes me to see mountains when I walk outside - Alabama does not have snow-capped peaks. I started work at a Christian nonprofit last week, and am still figuring out exactly how it works and what I'll be doing. What's most interesting to me so far is that I seem to be among the more liberal of my fellow interns. This is a new experience for me. But I could be very wrong because the thing about being in a Christian nonprofit is that there are expectations (and whether there should be or not is not the subject of this post) about opinions and behavior and it's hard to tell if what I'm slowly picking up about the other's beliefs and ideas are accurate or if they reflect the surroundings.

And I think that's enough for now. More deep, thoughtful reflections about life, the universe and everything to follow.

Oh! And I have the first set of paperwork I need for my visa!! :D

I felt that I should share some pictures, also, in preparation for a later post that actually is about what I've been doing. This is snow. In the woods that we were walking in. LAST WEEK.

Just had to get that last part out.

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